
Do you need support? WOW events could help

reclaim your mojo and find your spark

get moving and regain
your confidence

have a laugh and
relax with new friends

improve your sleep and banish brain fog

We know you may be dealing with many commitments: teens at home; ageing parents; workplace issues and more.

We aim to provide a confidential space to talk, to support each other and regain some positivity as we ride the wave of the menopause together.

What do we offer?

  • Live zoom sessions accessible from anywhere

  • Face-to-face daytime discos with lunch and chat

  • Tai Chi sessions, live and recorded sessions

  • Minibus adventures, an invigorating day out with our WOW team

Are you an employer?

We can offer wellbeing and support for your teams:

  • Relaxation sessions at lunchtime or early morning

  • Tai Chi sessions, live and recorded

  • Minibus adventures, fun and mutual support with our WOW team